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Cerato-Bach flower remedy for uncertanity.

It is one of twelve healers - the first twelve flower remedies documented by Dr. Edward Bach, my hero. This one is for uncertainty.

Dr. Bach’s description

Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others and are often misguided.

The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

What a beautiful support for those who don't trust their intuition, have difficulty making their mind, and look for answers from other sources.

Cerato is a timely remedy. Being able to go with your gut feeling and choose what is the best for you, not what someone else thinks you should do, is so important right now.

We have all the answers inside and this remedy helps us to trust ourselves.

At the end of the day, we live with all decisions we make, nobody else.

It is also a great remedy for the elderly or children who need constant reassurance that what they do, wear, and think is right.

If you are feeling that your decisions are swayed by others or someone else needs your constant reassurance try this remedy for a few weeks. Share with me please how it helped you or your family members :-)


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